About Us

The Local Pharmaceutical Committee (LPC) known as Community Pharmacy North of Tyne represents community pharmacy contractors in the geographical footprint covering, Newcastle, North Tyneside and Northumberland.

The committee is constituted of 10 members with a membership mix depending on the proportionality of independents and multiples across the area and in accordance with the LPC constitution.

Our current membership is composed of four members who are appointed by the Company Chemists Association (CCA), one member is appointed by the Association of Independent Multiple Pharmacies (AIMp) and a further 5 members are elected by independent pharmacy contractors.

CPNEN is an independent organisation within the NHS which negotiates on behalf of community pharmacy with Integrated Care Board, NHS England, Public Health teams, Local Authorities and Third party providers commissioning services from the community pharmacy network. Groups to ensure that the pharmaceutical service meets local needs.

Our committee exists to represent and support community pharmacy contractors in our area. We are recognised by the NHS act, and have statutory powers and significant influence. How we work is defined by our constitution.