Contraception Masterclass
The North East and North Cumbria LPCs and sexual health colleagues have developed a Contraception Masterclass to support provision of the national advanced service. You will find the masterclass relevant whether already providing the service or getting ready to become accredited to provide the service.
From 1st April 2025, you will have to provide all three national services, Pharmacy First, Contraception and Hypertension case finding. You will no longer be able to provide one or two of these services without the others.
Open to both pharmacists and foundation trainee pharmacists.
Please use the below links to book your place
Sunday 27th October, 9am – 12noon – Ramside Hotel, Durham
Sunday 17th November, 9am – 12noon – Royal Station Hotel, Newcastle
Sunday 1st December, 10am – 1pm – Threlkeld Village Hall, near Keswick